
Entity Definition

Logical Name : GeophysicalLocation
Physical Name : CO_GEO_LCN

Designates and identifies the lowest level of decomposition a retailer uses to assign customers, suppliers, selling locations, administrative locations, distribution centers, etc. to a geographic area (or point). This level may be associated with a specific physical point (longitude and latitude) or a named area. Its purpose is to provide an entry point into a hierarchy of geogrphic locations to be used for data aggregation and drill down analysis related to geography.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
GeographicLocationID (PK) Token ID for a GeographicLocation ID_GEO_LCN Identity integer
GeographicLocationName Short name for a GeographicLocation NM_GEO_LCN DescriptionShort varchar(255)
ClimateTypeCode (FK) Climate Group: A Tropical Humid Climates Climate Group: B Dry Climates Climate Group: C Mild Midlatitude Climates Climate Group: D Severe Midlatitude Climates Climate Group: E Polar Climates Climate Group: H Highland Climates Letter Code: Af Climate Type: Tropical Wet General Characteristics: Rain Throughout Year Letter Code: Aw Climate Type: Tropical Savanna General Characteristics: Winter (Low-Sun) Dry Season Letter Code: Am Climate Type: Tropical Monsoon General Characteristics: Short Dry Season; Heavy Rains in Other Months Letter Code: BWh Climate Type: Subtropical Desert General Characteristics: Low-Latitude (Hot) Desert Letter Code: BSh Climate Type: Subtropical Steppe General Characteristics: Low-Latitude (Hot) Semiarid Letter Code: BWk Climate Type: Midlatitude Desert General Characteristics: Midlatitude (Cold) Desert Letter Code: BSk Climate Type: Midlatitude Steppe General Characteristics: Midlatitude (Cold) Semiarid Letter Code: Csa Climate Type: Mediterranean General Characteristics: Dry, Hot Summer Letter Code: Csb Climate Type: Mediterranean General Characteristics: Dry, Warm Summer Letter Code: Cfa Climate Type: Humid Subtropical General Characteristics: No Dry Season; Hot Summer Letter Code: Cwa Climate Type: Humid Subtropical General Characteristics: Dry Winter; Hot Summer Letter Code: Cfb Climate Type: Marine West Coast General Characteristics: No Dry Season; Warm Summer Letter Code: Cfc Climate Type: Marine West Coast General Characteristics: No Dry Season; Cool Summer Letter Code: Dfa Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; No Dry Season; Hot Summer Letter Code: Dfb Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; No Dry Season; Warm Summer Letter Code: Dwa Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; Dry Winter; Hot Summer Letter Code: Dwb Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; Dry Winter; Warm Summer Letter Code: Dfc Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Severe Winter; No Dry Season; Cool Summer Letter Code: Dfd Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Very Cold Winter; No Dry Season Letter Code: Dwc Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Dry Winter; Cool Summer Letter Code: Dwd Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Dry Winter; Very Cold Winter Letter Code: ET Climate Type: Tundra General Characteristics: Polar Tundra With No True Summer Letter Code: EF Climate Type: Tundra General Characteristics: Polar Ice Cap Letter Code: H General Characteristics: High Elevation Climates Sub-Symbol: f Wet, Rainy, or No Dry Season Sub-Symbol: w Dry Winter Sub-Symbol: m Monsoon, heavy rains Sub-Symbol: W (Only for B climates) Desert Sub-Symbol: S (Only for B climates) Semiarid Sub-Symbol: h (Only for B climates) Hot Sub-Symbol: k (Only for B climates) Cold Sub-Symbol: s (Only for C-Mediterranian climates) Dry Summer Sub-Symbol: a Hot Summer Sub-Symbol: b Warm Summer Sub-Symbol: c Cool Summer Sub-Symbol: d (Only for D-Subarctic climates) Very Cold Winter Sub-Symbol: T (Only for E-Tundra climates) Polar Tundra With No True Summer Sub-Symbol: F (Only for E-Ice Cap climates) Polar Ice Cap CD_CLMT_TYP Code varchar(20) ClimateType(LU_CLMT_TYP)
GeophysicalLocationCoordinateID (FK) Token identifier for a POINT location (a longitude, latitude, altitude coordinate). ID_GEO_LCN_CRDN Identity integer GeophysicalLocationCoordinate(LO_CRDN_GEO_LCN)
GeographicSegmentHierarchyGroupID (FK) Token Identifier for a CustomerSegmentHierarchyGroup instance. ID_GEO_SGMT_HRC_GP Identity integer GeographicSegmentHierarchyGroup(CO_GEO_SGMT_HRC_GP)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
GeophysicalLocationCoordinate defines coordinates of GeophysicalLocation
GeographicSegmentHierarchyGroup aggregates GeophysicalLocation
ClimateType defines climate of GeophysicalLocation
GeophysicalLocation defines point location for KeyCustomerGeographicSegment
GeophysicalLocation defines location for PhysicalLocationTaxRegionAssociation
GeophysicalLocation is physical place of Site
GeophysicalLocation is physical place of GeophysicalLocationAddress

Logical Views containing GeophysicalLocation

Logical View
Logical 05000 - Taxation - Macro View
Logical 05100 - Taxation - Rules View
Logical 05200 - Taxation - Retail Transaction View
Logical 07030 - Customer Segment Independent Characteristics
Logical 10100 - Enterprise - Locations Macro View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View